For the team at Norican, digital innovation continues to be the overarching theme running through customer conversations, exhibits and presentations. However, this year, there was a marked difference in the topics of discussion around digital.
There was a much greater focus on the practical implementation of digital technology and on how the different approaches offered by various equipment manufacturers fit together in a complete foundry setting. From green sand through to aluminium, the industry seems to be looking for concrete answers and practical ways forward. Here are Norican’s key takeaways from GIFA 2019.
The chess players among you may be familiar with the German word Zugzwang, which describes a situation where you are forced to make a move in order to not lose out. Traceability – of castings, finished parts, moulds, molten metal – is an area where foundry customers have told us they are indeed under Zugzwang. Those serving the automotive industry in particular are increasingly asked to deliver workpiece or material traceability to their car-making customers – and show progress fast.